
Book and Confirm your personal “Refocus, Refuel and Revitalize” for your group, team, business, ministry, or family.

What are you still having challenges shifting and manifesting?

  1. Is there a goal you had for 2021 or previous years yet to manifest?

  2. Perhaps you have had some momentum, but things are at a stand-still, or you want to build on your momentum.

  3. Or maybe you’ve been hit by so many unexpected challenges, and you are exhausted and burned out!

Your Vision is waiting for you to BREEEEEATHE LIFE - into it again!

C'mon, inhaaaaale. Now, exhaaaaale. That's it! and I am here to partner with you!

It. Is. Never. Too. Late. Let Us Strategize together with proven techniques I’ve used personally and with my clients as they manifest their deepest desires and intentions!

"For still the Vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end - it will not lie. If it seems slow; wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay!"



What you will receive:

  1. Clearly define your intention.

  2. Establish a broad picture and leave with a simple plan of action

  3. Tools to manifest your dreams and visions into manifestation. Including an accountability partner.

  4. iRiS will partner with you through the process.

  5. and a special gift when you register.

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